Jon Kovach Jr. is an award-winning and international motivational speaker, global mastermind leader, and #1 bestselling author. He has helped thousands of professionals overcome their challenges and achieve their goals through his Irrefutable Laws of High Performance.
Achieve your goals faster with the global mastermind leader, Jon Kovach Jr. Jon has dedicated his life to personal development and mastermind methodology education. Founder of Champion Circle Networking Association, Jon and his team are dedicated to helping professionals achieve their goals through business and self-mastery by becoming accountable and learning the mindset and habits necessary to achieve accelerated personal results. Over 8 thousand hours of facilitating, teaching, training, studying, learning, and applying the Mastermind Methodologies that are not typically taught in schools, Jon has developed his proprietary system of creating high performers and goal achievers.
Jon leads the Habitude Warrior Masterminds as well as the Global Speakers Masterminds.
Inspiring questions to ask Jon during interview
We have listed questions you may want to ask while interviewing Jon on your show:
1) What makes you so positive each and every day?
2) How did you get so intrigued about helping people around the world?
3) Can you share who your main mentors were growing up and how they influenced you?
4) What is the true value on connecting people through networking?
5) I know that you are a #1 bestselling author! Do you feel it's important for people to become authors?
6) You run many different Masterminds... can you share why they are so vitally important?
7) What's the best way to grow a business as a solo entrepreneur... and is it important to join a team?
8) You run a network called Champion Circle. What are the key elements of this group?
9) If you had to share a meal with someone you look up to, who would that be, and why?
10) What is the very first step for an aspiring speaker to do to build their career as a speaker?